October 30, 2021

Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppets) Performing Art In Bali

Wayang Kulit Bali is a traditional performing art that is widely known by the people in Bali. Generally, the plays performed on the show are derived from classic stories such as: Mahabharata, Ramayana, Calonarang, etc. This performing art became one of the educational mediums in the past. This art presents advice, morals, spirituality, and more. People make these values as a guide in their daily life.

October 9, 2021

Megoak-Goakan Tradition in Buleleng, BALI

Megoak-Goakan tradition is a unique cultural activity held by the community in Panji Village, Sukasada, Buleleng Regency. Megoak-goakan has been designated as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTB) and is still being preserved until now.